Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Au revoir Paris, bonjour Bordeaux!

We had a relaxing pack up of our Paris apartment, then headed for Gare Montparnasse (the country bound train station). Today it was a fond farewell to our new memories of Paris and The Silver K man!

We sat in first class on the train - sounds a little more swish than it actually was. However, the seats were larger and we sat in a comfortable booth area. When we saw the countryside it looked lovely, but we mainly used the 3.5 hour ride to watch a few eps of Criminal Minds on the iPad! Loving the iPad!

After arriving in Bordeaux with our broken French, we managed to get ourselves on the tram close to our hotel. Conveniently, the tourist info was also at the stop where we jumped off. We meet a nice French guy on the tram, who helped us when the male of the group seemed to have busted the ticket machine! He had a chat with us when we jumped off and found out that he had done an internship at Blizzard Games in Dublin! Instant connection! (Rie, the geek meter was approaching the red zone)!

We arrived at the hotel, then headed straight out to explore. Located right in the guts of the city / gothic area, it was easy for us to walk around.

Tan: walking down the boulevard along the water was beautiful, then BANG an area made up of 5 long buildings with shops, shops and more shops!

After an hour strolling / meandering around, we pulled up at a very cool outdoor bar and had a couple of sangrias each, delish! However, it might have been a smarter move to go to the toilet before leaving. The agony of busting was unbearable and felt like the Oxford walking tour all over again!

Dinner was awesome tonight. We basically wanted to find a place with lots of people and a bit of atmosphere, as it was only a Tuesday night. The place was called Regent Bistro and they had a very simple menu. A choice of three main meals - salmon, beef or duck, with their famous special sauce. All tables got an enormous bowl of French fries and 'salad', which was butter lettuce in a bowl. It was friggen incredible and that joint was pumping. We left after 10:30 and there were still people coming in! Sign of a great place.

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